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autism vest compression garment from formrx

FormRx Comfort Compression for kids is a popular and effective choice to wear underneath the clothes for children with sensory processing disorder because it provides a calming pressure sensation, it is soft and seamless, and because it doesn’t call attention to itself.

FormRx Comfort Compression  provides proprioceptive input using deep pressure to the muscles and joints which sends signals to the brain helping a person feel calm and focused. On a potentially relatable level, it resembles a firm hug, without the emotional connotations.

Weighted Vest VS Comfort Compression

A weighted vest is a wearable garment with the capability of holding weight, typically a vest with sewn internal pockets where small ½ or ¼ pound weights can be placed.

A compression vest does just what is sounds like it would do – it provides a deep squeeze or hug feeling through tight-fitting compression that fits snugly against the wearer’s torso.

The research behind deep touch pressure is supportive for promoting physiological regulation (respiration rate, heart rate, blood pressure) and reducing anxiety. Since the design and purpose of Comfort Compression vests target the proprioceptive system by increasing the amount of input, it is logical to make the connection that the positive findings of DTP research would also be the case in product-specific research.

Formal research aside, some parents, therapists, and educators of children with sensory processing, ADHD, autism, anxiety, and OCD note measurable changes that encourage the continued use of comfort compression vests. Many therapeutic companies agree and are conducting their own product-specific research in the hopes of solidifying the validity of these sensory products as research-based interventions.

 Why a Comfort Compression Vest (Garments) is an Option For YOUR Child?

Children who fidget excessively-have a hard time paying attention and demonstrate an impulsive behavior or have difficulty with body awareness-may benefit from a FormRx Comfort Compression Garment. The Comfort Compression Garment can be worn inside your clothes to provide proprioception & body awareness meanwhile concealing under the clothes.

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